Amiga Works  <  Depeche's Mode Demo  (2024-04)

Joystick Port 2:
Cursor-keys to move, Shift to fire
Name: Depeche's Mode Demo
Type: 128k Demo
Date: 2024-04
Coder: Depeche, Big Brother
Gfx: Depeche, Sander
Sound: Virgill
Disk: disks/spreadpoint-dmd.prg

    _____                         /  \   ______               _        .___
   /     \ ________._____  ______/ /\ \__\   _/_______.___ __(_)__.____| _/___
  /    __ \:  ___  \ ___ \_\  __ //  \!  __  \!  ___  \ __ \_   _/  _  /     /
  \    Z/_/_   Z/  /  Z/  /   Z/__|   \  Z/   \   Z/  / Z/  /   |   / /\  __/_
  _\______ |  /___/  _/ _/    __/      \      /  /___/  /    \  |  / /  \ |   \
 /     Z/  |   | |   |\   \   Z/ \      \    /|   |/   /    _/  |_/     / |   /
 \     /   |___| |___| \___\______\      \__/ |___|\________\____/_____/  !  /
  \________7               / /____________\ \                      !NE7_____/


                      D E P E C H E ' S   M O D E   D E M O

                          Release date   March 31, 2024
                         Release party   Revision

                            Production   128 kB demo

                                  Code   Depeche
                                         Big Brother
                              Graphics   Depeche
                           Logo rework   Sander/Focus
                                 Music   Virgill

                                 ASCII   ne7
                  Cruncher (Shrinkler)   Blueberry
        In-demo (de)cruncher (Cranker)   Bifat
                    Music player (LSP)   Leonard

                                System   Amiga (PAL)
                  Minimum requirements   Motorola 68000 CPU
                                         Original chip set (OCS)
                                         512 kB RAM


                        Some words and notes from Depeche

Part 1: Tribute to mcCoy

The demo starts with a tribute to mcCoy ( He is an
Amiga and hardware enthusiast in general. We have been friends for many years.
Now I have reinterpreted the IFF image he painted in the 80s and converted it
into code. mcCoy knew nothing about all of this and was probably wondering why
on earth he wasn't allowed to do a screen recording of the demo in advance this
time. Now he knows why. This is for you.

Original idea and artwork: mcCoy (

Run cycle animation based on Patrick W. Crawford's (aka TheDuckCow) tutorials
and sample files (

3D starfield coordinates ripped from Alcatraz' Zodmania demo by Zodiac

Amiga Boing Ball by Dale Luck and R. J. Mical ripped from an animated GIF

Code, graphics and tools: Depeche


Part 2: Circ-Wave

Spreadpoint member Big Brother got back into Amiga programming again after some
decades and contributed this so called Circ-Wave effect. Give him a warm welcome
back on the Amiga.

Inspired by Semi-Circle Wave shader by Xor and FabriceNeyret2

Code and tools: Big Brother
Font: Depeche


Part 3 and 4: Voronoi (3D and 2D)

Inspired by nat's post on X

Technical inspiration by jemware's Animated Voronoi Cells (Code)Pen

Image of Venus by NASA (

Logo font and rendering (Blender): Depeche
Logo rework: Sander/Focus (thank you so much)
Code, font, graphics and tools: Depeche


Music: Virgill

Given the limitations (LSP, little memory available), you composed and arranged
this track brilliantly. Thank you so much.



                             WE ARE INTERGALACTIC
                                JOIN THE POWER
                                   (C) 2024